Monday, January 23, 2012

2012 Spring Semester

Previously i used this blog for my Drawing 2 class.
I thought it only made since to generalize it since its
required for multiple classes. Hope you enjoy!
(Officially Under Construction)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Outside Night Assignment

This assignment was actually kind of fun.
I was freezing my butt off the entire time.
My hands were really shaking but i did the
best i could because after a hour and a half
moving out of the way of cars was getting
annoying. Overall i enjoyed it but would
rather work on the inside from here on out.
Here is the picture i took of my compsition.

Here is my drawing of it on black paper using white conte.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

White Conte On Black Paper

On this assignment we were to draw a composition in white conte
first (lightly) on black good paper. Then instead of having to erase
the page to get white jus use conte. Leaving some areas where the
black paper could show through allowing the paper to work for us
by showing the darkest darks in the composition.
The composition i chose was a skull and cloth. Unfortunately upon the
second day of class the skull was taken from our still life so i had to do
the best i could with the planes i had already drawn. Lucky for me most
the skull was taken care of in the first class. I liked this compositon alot.
One suggestion I would try would be to lighten up the cloth behind the
skull push the skull forward in space.

Erasure out of Charcoal Ground Assignment

In this assignment (in class) we were to draw a still life composition.
After covering good paper in black charcoal we were work out the
lights (whites) of the composition and using black, white, and sienna
conte to show depth, contrast, and value.
This is my still life in class. I used the sienna to capture the boldness of the lamp.
I didnt want to leave the focus/weight on the right side of the paper so i added more
on the left in the umbrella handle. The class suggested that i show more highlight in
the lamp instead of completely filling it with conte. Over all i like the composition
and how it leads off the page in all directions.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why MCA.?

I personally came to Memphis College of Art to further my artistic skill and better prepare myself for a career in art. My intended major is Graphic Design and my minor would be drawing. My 12th grade art teacher suggested MCA to me when she saw I wanted to be close to home. She told me it was perfect for me because the reputation of the school was great and they have my major or the field she thought I should enter. Once i receive my degree I plan to travel the world (Paris, Greece, Rome) and further my artistic career. I enjoy making art and that is why I have chosen it for a lifetime field choice.